Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Iris Painting

In hearing a friend talk of his mother who is spending her last days in a nursing home I really wished there was something I could do. He was dismayed about her having to move there from assisted living due to insurance and money and was concerned about her fragile health with the move to a less supportive, welcoming environment. It has been on my mind in the last week since hearing all of this. I decided to do a painting for him to hang in her room - something bright, colorful, and positive. I'm pleased with how it came out. I've always loved creating images of purple/blue iris'. I think the first one I did was in high school in watercolor. I'm always amazed at how much better student behavior is when I sit at one of the tables, demo there and working along with the kids. I hope he doesn't see this blog before I can give the painting to him tomorrow! :)

"Iris For Jay's Mother" 16" X 18", acrylic on thick tagboard.
It felt so good to paint today. I think I'll drag a canvas or two in to work. Right now the kids are bursting with energy due to sitting silent during testing. It was so quiet in the room after school let out. I sat painting and telling a student the story of why I was creating it. She shared about an aunt who passed some time ago and I talked of my grandfather. At one point she was very anxious and said "I think I'm partly insane". I replied "Sane people are boring" and she told me "that's why I love you". It was a good moment.

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful Jancy...I'm sure Jay will be touched.


Artist Trading Cards

Playing around with some artist trading cards tonight for the first time in a long time. Now who to send them to? If anyone wants to ex...