Thursday, August 18, 2011

Chicago Fringe Festival

I'm very excited to share that, as a member of Fiber Artists for Hope, my phoenix piece will be exhibited at this festival in an exhibit entitled Reflections on September 11th, A Decade Later. What a wonderful group to be included in. If I am permitted to post the image online, I will. :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

More from Independent Study Art Camp and misc.!

I still am processing my time spent with Susan Shie as her first Alumni (Independent Study) Art Camper. It was truly what I needed. I was able to work in my own style with what techniques I wanted to express my own ideas. She was a wonderful facilitator and guide who asked me the hard questions along the way. While I've learned a great deal of techniques in classes that I've taken I am not content in classes where the students create artwork with the purpose of making a replica of the teachers pieces. Techniques are learned, artistry is not. By exploring my own style, growth occurs like no other time.Try doing something in your own style - be an artist!
I'm still finishing up my piece,  have taken a break from it for a couple of days to meet a deadline for a show.

Our accomplishments for the week! The pieces on the right are Susan's and I do believe the top one, "Twilight Time" is one of my very favorites of hers.

Godzilla in pins. :) I'll post pics of the stitching when it gets completed!
Currently I'm working on a piece for a show commemorating the anniversary of 9/11 with the Fiber Artists For Hope. Each piece in the show is 9" X 11", will be exhibited in Chicago over 9.11.2011. Here is the initial drawing.
Back to work after eating some wonderful yumminess from the garden! :)

Artist Trading Cards

Playing around with some artist trading cards tonight for the first time in a long time. Now who to send them to? If anyone wants to ex...