Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Eve

This holiday season has been spent making pizzelle cookies and biscotti, spending time with people I love, and snuggling with the dogs. May you all see many little joys coming your way.

A few simple drawings in the altered book are below. There is something appealing to me about layering over top of text that is already there, a visual subtext, if you will. I'm using the altered book for warming up and as a visual diary of happenings.

some of the things I made for people for the holidays

I've taken steps this year to reach goals in 24 I started a page to mark progress. Just a base color to build upon.

The idea of giving a discarded book a new life is very appealing. The endless potential of new stories that can be told on its pages gets my mind going!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Crafty UFOs & Completing Works

Starting projects and then moving on to another distraction is a common occurrance. Lately I've been completing UFOs (unfinished objects). UFOs hide in studio corners in drawers, in bins and in bags. The sense of completion is rewarding and I will have gifts galore for the holidays. 
A work friend sporting a crown ear warmer I made and am selling
Knitting a sweater for my mom for Xmas. Shhhhh don't tell.
"Anxiety Suitcase" Fabric, Fabric Paint, Airpen & Thread. This piece was started years ago when I was having a 'blank page moment' and couldn't decide what to work on. This was my Whammy to get working by sending my frustrations away! 
"Enchanted Forest" fabric, fibers, mesh and thread. There is a certain peace in the woods that draws me into it.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Beginning at the Beginning

It is hard to believe that it has been so many years since I've blogged about anything. Life has been challenging and ever changing. Rolling with the punches has been my focus.

This past year has brought many changes  - new job, new diagnosis', new outlooks. There has been a great deal of "adulting" happening. Too much so. Adulting does not make one prolific or necessarily happy.

The coming year will bring about even more change. Bless the constants in my life- my family, my friends, my dogs and my home. I look at them all as part of my plan of care and am ever grateful.

To help lighten things up I've started playing with altered books again.

Explaining and moving through what has been going on the past few months has been like seeing with a fluid tunnel vision seeking a way to be centered. ink, watercolor pencil.

my love of my morning coffee. ink, colored pencil.

Drawing of a brain scan of someone who suffers from depression. ink, marker, colored pencil.

Great things can come from meager beginnings. 
 Much love to you all.   

Artist Trading Cards

Playing around with some artist trading cards tonight for the first time in a long time. Now who to send them to? If anyone wants to ex...