Monday, October 24, 2011

52 Journals Project

I dove into the deep end and committed to a fantastic endeavor. A number of weeks ago I began this project and am creating one piece per week for the next year, ending with 52 pieces that are uniform in shape (8" X 10"). There are a total of 20 artists in this private group from all over the country. As I create autobiographical work, the imagery in each piece was inspired by something I've experienced, seen, talked about, or felt. I'll post more as I go so that you can see! Enjoy and let me know what you think! :)

Week 6: "Forest of Blues"

Week 5: "Aloha"

Week 4: "Studio Cat"

Week 3: "Skyway"

Week 2: "Octopus Sleeper"

Week 1: "Hidden Secrets & Spoken Lies" 

9/11 piece

Life has been in the way a little bit, but I'm quickly catching up around here. The piece below is the final image that was in the 9/11 show at the Chicago Fringe Festival. It was created as a dedication to not only those lost on that day, but for the families that remain. It was hand painted with textile paints, paint pens and a laundry marker. It is entirely machine stitched.  More postings to come! 

Monday, October 3, 2011

One of my art quilts is in the current issue of this magazine. :) It is part of the Fiber Artists for Hope traveling exhibit, The Unspoken Truth About Color. Very proud to be considered a part of this group and love the work of the other artists!
On stands now! :)

Artist Trading Cards

Playing around with some artist trading cards tonight for the first time in a long time. Now who to send them to? If anyone wants to ex...