Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Vino Where You Live

I have the privlidge of having been asked to show my work at a great and unique venue, Vino Where You Live, which is located in Mt. Vernon, Ohio. It is a truly charming and unique wine location. They host events and have live music. They are having a great Dessert Wars event that my husband and I will be attending on December 17th. For more info goto .
Here are a few pics, which include a few new pieces I just finished. :)  

"Cocoons", completed Nov 2011

"Rhythm Road", completed Nov 2011
I'm finding I still lean toward the idea of using stitched line as a drawing tool and intermixing that with added, hand-stitched texture. In "Cocoons", the forms just came as I held the airbrush. Bright and eye catching, but conveyed a feeling of closeness and of coveting something dear. I randomly free motioned colors into the background and then hand couched the bolder black lines with bumpy fibers. I am so happy that "Rythym Road" has taken shape. This basic top has been assembled for quite a long time before I finally found the direction to take. I'm very pleased with how it came out. Both of these pieces I will re-shoot pictures of when I get them back to show a more true color representation. I'm so blessed to be so busy with things! 

Artist Trading Cards

Playing around with some artist trading cards tonight for the first time in a long time. Now who to send them to? If anyone wants to ex...