Saturday, June 9, 2012

Commission and Art Classes!

I'm very happy to share my latest commission, "Petey" for Darin and Stephanie Kerns. From the stories he is quite the active and lovable character and he looks after their daughter Lena. Petey steals socks and is adorable. I hope I get to meet him someday! :)

ALLLSOOOO..... I have started teaching art lessons on Saturdays at my house. This is the second week and we went into charcoal, value and shading. June has a variety of ages and experiences grouped together. What a great group of kids!

I need to get a computer where I can edit the size of photos so I can make things come out the right orientation! :) 

Artist Trading Cards

Playing around with some artist trading cards tonight for the first time in a long time. Now who to send them to? If anyone wants to ex...